Our goal is to provide convenience and peace of mind for your business, so you can KNOW that nothing is falling through the cracks. When field agents change the status of a job to indicate In Progress, Pending Action, or Completed; you’ll KNOW it’s accurate right away with the geotag and timestamp…
Now, let’s take it a step further. Wouldn’t it be nice to view the scheduled jobs & location of your vehicles all on the same map? No more switching platforms to verify jobs and employee locations, wasting time… because (as we all know) time is money! If that sounds like something your business NEEDS, CLICK HERE to discover Field Pulse Feet Management Software. By utilizing the Smart Fleet GPS tracking in collaboration with Field Pulse Fleet Management Software, you can start saving time, energy, and most importantly… money.
By optimizing routes, Field Pulse can minimize travel time, fuel expenses, and increase customer satisfaction (because who likes to spend their day waiting?). And, the best way to optimize job routes is to throw them out on a map! Plot the jobs on a map and select jobs by proximity and available team members! But, wait, jobs come and go throughout the day… you can’t be expected to pull a map out of your pocket for EVERY order.